Sunday, October 10, 2010

Honorable Mentions

Firstly, a big shout out to sammiemantha who featured out chocobo scarf in her blog about Chocobo Halloween! You can see the article here.

Secondly, let's hit up some honourable mentions in the last quarter game release! (Fall Out Vegas has already been mentioned so will not be reviewing today~)

Kirby's Epic Yarn [Wii] - 19/10/10 [~$80]
Assuming that all the DS games were fairly 'meh', this game is looking to be pretty damn good! What do you need to know? It is a platform game and although it will be colourful and pretty, I don't think you will feel hugely challenged by this upcoming title if you are a 1337 gamer.

- No eating, only whipping (... liquorice whip!)
+ 'Boy and His Blob' shape transformation!
- No use of nunchuck (think Warioland - sideways remote with up/down tilting features)

Unfortunately for me after watching the trailer it just struck me as a combination of Little Big Planet (PS3), Yoshi's Story (N64) and New Super Mario (Wii). If you haven't played any of these games then you will be happy but if you have played all of these games, I'm not sure if this game will measure up!

View the E3 trailer here.

Epic Mickey [Wii] - 26/11/10 [~$55-$80]
Let me start off by saying - Mickey's half-brother is a rabbit? WTF? Anyway, think of Fable a la Disney and you will have Epic Mickey wrapped up in a nutshell. It is a platform RPG with a karma system.

+ Essentially a 'choose your own adventure' style game where what you do affects the game (albeit limited)
+ New concept of 'painting' and 'thinning' the world around you shaping the gameplay
- Hopefully all the worlds aren't as dark as the ones in the preview - I hate it when games are so dark like this. Give us some light and shade please! So we can appreciate the beautiful graphics
- I wish this game was in HD :(

Don't bother sitting through the E3 'game preview' trailer it was very very very boring. That guy talking - wow boring voice. To me, it looked a lot like Crash Bandicoot style game play in terms of camera angle, collecting, etc. I find this style gives me a headache after a while but you might be able to lock the camera.

Little Big Planet 2 [PS3] - 19/11/10 $60 Asia Region
This is one of those games that just puts a smile on your face from the word go. This game is not easy - but it is marvellous to play from the music, to the graphics, to the subtle humour - it is fantastic. It is one game that you can play with your friends (there aren't many out there) or by yourself with equal tenacity.

It is half tempting though to wait for the 'Game of the Year' edition which will have all the downloadable content for free on the disc (like LBP1 GOTY edition).

This game may have been pushed back to January 2011, speculatively because of 'PlayStation Move' features being incorporated into it. If they bundle it with the Move I will definitely get it. However at this point in time, having the Move is absolutely a waste of money IMO. I would also like to get my hands on the special edition pack which features a sackboy, bookends and free avatars, although if they release it in Australia is another story (guess I will have to get the US one - depends on the price).

View the official Sony trailer here.

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