Friday, April 9, 2010

Nature vs. Nuture?

Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver

So!~ After playing for many years, I have always believed that pokemon should be caught, and trained, without the use of special attack items, TMs, etc. I mean, EXCESSIVE use. I guess you could say, the non-aggressive approach to playing pokemon (or - the 'MEH' approach).

I was shocked to recently discover (or rather, it became relevant) that the NATURE of the pokemon made some difference to the pokemon. And that some trainers choose to catch one particular pokemon (or, reset and discover) again and again and again in order to find a pokemon with suitable nature. WHAT? I hear you say. Yes, that is what I said too. Isn't the pokemon meant to be yours forever and ever? Just like in the TV show? Can you imagine Ash doing that for every single episode?

Anyway, back to what I was saying - it turns out that in some instances (e.g. EEVEE) it does help to know what you are getting O_o? So let me walk you through it.

Say for instance, I wanted an espeon, I would have to first look up espeon (use a website like to see what types of moves it would learn - obviously, psychic/psybeam would be great for this pokemon. Then you look at their overall stats at level 100.
Then, take a look at this summary article on Natures at Now, for espeon we would like to raise the sp. attack for psychic moves. SO, we look for a nature that gives us an increase of sp. atk. Then, we choose which stat we don't mind lowering. For espeon, we would choose maybe normal atk since it would be using sp. atk moves. Or, you might choose to sacrifice speed. That gives us Modest Nature. So, we would want an Eevee with a modest nature.

Gone are the days of thinking, 'well, maybe my pokemon is just special and it's defence is not that great'. You can now FIGURE OUT what is what.

Is this a form of cheating? I really don't know anymore. Surely, they have added this into the game to allow us some form of control over pokemon stats.

But in general, if you don't care overly much, here are the natures to avoid which give you NO stat boosts:


These natures are absolutely USELESS to you. I mean, if you are going to take advantage of this new system, but don't care THAT much, you can at least utilise this information :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Voltorb Flip!

Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver - Johto Region

This game is great so far. We are playing through both here at home (and yes, there are lots of 'walking trips to the garage') - at the moment we are up to around Goldenrod City (not far, but we only got it a few days ago!)

I never played the original gold and silver - which is why the game seems a little newer and brighter than some of the other re-releases. I did play crystal though (wow, that is rare - and someone stole it! So I don't even have it anymore) - so I'm not going in blind completely.

What I love about it so far? Apricorns :) and Voltorb Flip! I can literally spend hours playing this crazy crazy game (so far, my highest level is 6). Why is it so addictive??? At the moment I have 8841 coins xD WOAHHH.

So I give you - tips for Voltorb Flip!
1. Aim not for the 1 squares, but for the 2 or 3 squares. This means looking which rows have a higher total number.
2. Use your Memo pad! It helps you narrow down which squares (the 1 or V only) to not even bother with.
3. Use your maths. Not every row will have a 2 or 3. Some patterns reoccur:
- 4 + 1V = every square must be either a 1, or a voltorb.
- 2 + 3v = every square must be either a 1, or a voltorb.
- 6,7,8,9 = high chances of 2s and 3s
4. If you have no 0V rows, look for a 6 row crossing a 6 row, or a row with only 1 V. chances are the intersection is not a V.

What is your favourite thing about HG or SS so far? Any tips to share? Feel free to comment :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sale Items - 01/04/10

Today is your last chance to buy something before the holidays! (lots of time to play new games...)

Myer Catalogue:
Pictureka card game $7.95 <~ fun if you are going on a drive and running out of batteries
Twilight Princess $69 <~ this game never seems to go down in price...
Red Steel 2 $69 <~ the first one was a bit fail in terms of responsiveness, but this one is meant to be better??
New pokemans $55 <~~ good price! (same at BigW if it is nearer to you)
DSI XL release date - 15/04 (no price yet!)
Rhythm Heaven $29 <~~good game good price!

Toys'R'Us are having buy 4 games for the price of 3 for many titles (bayonetta, darksiders) might be worth having a look!

BAND HERO PACK - $149 - VERY CHEAP! The usual price on sale is about $250 so if you are thinking about getting a guitar, drums and a mic, this is an excellent price (even if the game itself is so-so; GH games are about $40 each if you are looking for others; GH5 is crap don't get it).

I never check JB Hifi since it's difficult to watch their prices, and access to the store can be difficult for some. They do price match sometimes too. Also, it is annoying having to walk in and out and letting them go through ALL YOUR BAGS! Very inconvenient especially if you have a school bag or something. Easiest way to price check is by calling them on the phone.

EBGames - the price is usually always ridiculous, unless you get them to pricematch something. Don't waste time with 2nd hand games as the price is only $5-10 below RRP. Will keep an eye out for their good sale prices though, and let you all know :)

BUT! For comparison, let us take a look at play-asia prices.
I definitely recommend play-asia. You can get PS3 and DS games there (not wii due to region locking). It is reliable and much cheaper usually. Shipping is included in the below prices.

Pokemon - $55 <~ definitely pick it up at home rather than shipping it out from P/A
Rhythm Heaven - $40 <~ good price, but not as good as myer clearance price!

Final Fantasy XIII <~ $70
Bioshock 2 <~ $65
GOW Collection (GOW I + II) <~ $45
GOW III <~ $70
Dragon Age <~ $60 (+ expansion = $45)
Assassin's Creed II game of the year edition <~$55 released in May
Orange Box <~ $30 (This has PORTAL in it~)
Devil May Cry IV <~ $30

Some excellent games for some great prices if you ask me ;D

SO! My pokemans arrived in the mail I must go play naos ^_____^ <3