Thursday, July 22, 2010

Writing can come from Boredom - Monster Hunter Tri

So the not-so-long awaited review of Monster Hunter Tri. Granted I'm not very far in, but definitely far enough to write about it. BTW I'm talking about offline play. Because online play is for people with no friends D= (Oh wait, is it the other way around? Mmmm...)

You are a hunter. Not a villager or a farmer (well actually, maybe you are all of those things too). But a crazy powerful hunter. You can be male or female, and assuredly at the beginning of the game you WILL be half naked, but aside from that, you will definitely be feared. Or something like that.
You are helping a village hunt down the huge threat that is a giant water pokemon. I mean, a giant water monster. (WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE A MUTANT LAPRAS D:)

Game Progression:-
You progress by upgrading your weapons and armour via 'item collection' and 'contributing money'. Essentially, the more stuff you kill, the better you get via power ups. Your combat skills don't get any better (really I found the button mashing a bit pointless). I think a lock-on system would have been a little cleaner in the game play (you end up rolling around a lot).

Game Play:-
Other things you can do during the game is item collection, farming, fishing, stockmarket-like trading. It's sort of grinding-ish. It's a bit meh to be honest.

Pet Hates: -
Here's a great concept - 'take all'. Or even a list! What is this time wasting collect one item at a time approach to looting???
Small map areas means loading five times to get to somewhere that isn't particularly far away. Lucky load time isn't long (ten to twenty seconds).

The concept is there! But I think the game would have benefited from a more 'RPG-style' approach rather than a button mash fight game... As in - more intelligent.

Overall, I would rate this game as a 7/10. I know, not that high, and I haven't finished the game yet, but if you put this game next to Zelda? No contest.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Busy Gaming!

Dear all,

It as been a while hasn't it?
The last couple of weeks has been a crazy couple of weeks for me - just had my 3 weeks of mid year holiday. Though, I was away so no console or handheld gaming and had to resort to card gaming (Munchkin FTW).

I have gotten my hands on a US Wii and surprise! You just need to plug your AUS Wii adapter into the US Wii and it works just fine. I haven't tried the internet on it yet but certainly the first game loaded up (no surprise) was Super Smash Brothers. Oh yes, the boys at home have been waiting for months to play it after I decided I wanted the new software update thus blocking the Freeloader (oh Freeloader, you served me well!).
Actually I had gotten Super Mario Galaxy 2 in late June (ah yes, the benefits of early release in other countries) but went on holidays straight after. My brother has already finished it and will ask him to write a review for you all! Otherwise, I will have to fire the thing up and actually play the game for you :)

Speaking of which, EB lost my game replacement for the Fall Out 3 GOTY Edition and so I had to call them and they were like, 'oh sorry abt thatttt'. But have it now.

Game I finished recently - Dragon Age Origins on PS3. It was really enjoyable, and I think you should be aware: DO NOT BE A ROGUE/THIEF - IT IS CRAP COMPARED TO THE OTHER CLASSES. I'd say the game was most enjoyable as a mage. From general consensus of people I know who have played the game, definitely mage is a great class to play. I started on the expansion but have yet to complete (went on holiday). But definitely worth buying and playing.

Game I want to play - Monster Hunter Tri. Brothers have been playing through at home and I have yet to fire it up. I haven't checked the internet compatibility of networks either (I got the US version) so would love to check when I have time.

Game I am looking forward to - 3D Dot Game Heroes
ATM it is $57 AUD on CDWOW but I don't know if I want to pay that much yet. Depends how desperate I get although Lord knows I have no time to play :(
